We all know people in different ways and the people that know you well enough can often look at something and it'll make them think of you. Like your sense of style, or love of something particular - like wearing boots, lipstick, eating cheese, anything.
I can go out with my friends and they can immediately tell me if something I like, for example a top, would suit me. In fact, they'll probably pick something before I do and show me because they know I'd like it. They know me well. At first I was never sure if that was a good thing because I knew people who would say 'oh that is so you' because they didn't actually like the thing. It was a nicer way for them to say that 'I don't like it but I'm not honest enough to tell you that'. In my head I would be thinking - 'What?! Am I that predictable?! Should I take this as a compliment or be offended?' But now I can tell if they genuinely think that it's nice or are just being nice. I think it comes with time but mostly it comes with not caring much.
What I love is that feeling when I see something and immediately I think of a friend. I love seeing little reminders of people and being able to pick something they'd like. I admit I can't do it for everyone, there are some people I've known my whole life or longer than others and picking a gift for them is so HARD. It takes ages and ages and sometimes when I do finally pick something, I'm still not sure!
What's amazing tho, I mean it's taken me some time to see it in this way, is that feeling of acceptance. Having people who know you well and knowing people who you know well, in a way, means they've accepted you for who you are, including the weird and wonderful. It means you can be comfortable with yourself, your sense of style and have fun!
Have you found this place yet? I know it'll come along soon.
My advice: get to know people. It's quite wonderful.
I can go out with my friends and they can immediately tell me if something I like, for example a top, would suit me. In fact, they'll probably pick something before I do and show me because they know I'd like it. They know me well. At first I was never sure if that was a good thing because I knew people who would say 'oh that is so you' because they didn't actually like the thing. It was a nicer way for them to say that 'I don't like it but I'm not honest enough to tell you that'. In my head I would be thinking - 'What?! Am I that predictable?! Should I take this as a compliment or be offended?' But now I can tell if they genuinely think that it's nice or are just being nice. I think it comes with time but mostly it comes with not caring much.
What I love is that feeling when I see something and immediately I think of a friend. I love seeing little reminders of people and being able to pick something they'd like. I admit I can't do it for everyone, there are some people I've known my whole life or longer than others and picking a gift for them is so HARD. It takes ages and ages and sometimes when I do finally pick something, I'm still not sure!
What's amazing tho, I mean it's taken me some time to see it in this way, is that feeling of acceptance. Having people who know you well and knowing people who you know well, in a way, means they've accepted you for who you are, including the weird and wonderful. It means you can be comfortable with yourself, your sense of style and have fun!
Have you found this place yet? I know it'll come along soon.
My advice: get to know people. It's quite wonderful.
Keep reading, F x
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