Update: Canada

By Fatima K - August 21, 2015

Greetings All!

So, this is a super quick update post to say...tun tun tun... I'm in Canada! That's right! How COOL is that right?! Everything was really quick and rather sudden and the days before I was very excited - literally I was bobbing up and down with excitement!

Ok, so we have a lot planned and hopefully things will go according to/along the lines of that plan, and I shall blog about it! Woop woop. Don't you just love it when things finally come together?! Especially since this trip has been in the pipelines for so so so long!

Anyway, here's a photo of the CN tower that I took today - actual camera photos won't be uploaded anytime soon so I'll do more on that once I'm home.

How are you all?!

CN Tower -was a bit cloudy but look!

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Keep reading, F x
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