It's been a long time since I blogged properly and regularly. Mostly it was because I was busy but also because I was lacking inspiration and motivation. I just haven't been able to find things that I thought were good enough to blog about. It became a chore. It never used to be a chore.
I used to blog because I wanted to, because I enjoyed it. Thankfully, now I have the urge to blog again! I have my mojo back!! Oh yes.
Things I've been doing/an explanation for my absence:
I've been busy trying to be a mum, a wife, a daughter, a daughter-in-law, a granddaughter, a friend, a cousin and an aunt. I've been busy trying, trying again and then some more, sometimes failing and sometimes succeeding. I guess you can only do what you can do - to come to this thinking however took some time.
I've not had much time to myself - I haven't sat down with my laptop or notebook in such a long time that the concept almost feels alien to me. I have spent many outings and moments trying to find something to blog about. I've racked my brains for inspiration without luck. It's crazy because there are actually so many things I could blog about staring at me in the face! SO MANY!
I could have written about life with a baby, the rewards, the challenges and the milestones. I could write about days out or places I've eaten in. I mean it's not like I had nothing to blog about... I just hadn't been able to find it in myself.
But I think I'm ready, I think I'm back and I sure do have a lot more to say this time. :)
What have you been up to? Have you caught up with my blog posts so far? Do! I had a baby!

I used to blog because I wanted to, because I enjoyed it. Thankfully, now I have the urge to blog again! I have my mojo back!! Oh yes.
Things I've been doing/an explanation for my absence:
I've been busy trying to be a mum, a wife, a daughter, a daughter-in-law, a granddaughter, a friend, a cousin and an aunt. I've been busy trying, trying again and then some more, sometimes failing and sometimes succeeding. I guess you can only do what you can do - to come to this thinking however took some time.
I've not had much time to myself - I haven't sat down with my laptop or notebook in such a long time that the concept almost feels alien to me. I have spent many outings and moments trying to find something to blog about. I've racked my brains for inspiration without luck. It's crazy because there are actually so many things I could blog about staring at me in the face! SO MANY!
I could have written about life with a baby, the rewards, the challenges and the milestones. I could write about days out or places I've eaten in. I mean it's not like I had nothing to blog about... I just hadn't been able to find it in myself.
But I think I'm ready, I think I'm back and I sure do have a lot more to say this time. :)
What have you been up to? Have you caught up with my blog posts so far? Do! I had a baby!

Keep reading, F x
I'd love to hear what you think! Let me know your thoughts by posting a comment :) Thanks for reading!