Today, on my way home, I was in the middle lane of three, and suddenly I felt really important. There I am, in my box, gripping the steering wheel while waiting of the lights to turn green, and I noticed the cars on each side. On my left was an Audi, black and shiny, and on my right was a Mini Cooper - which would be my ideal car. I felt important! There were those people, in their nice cars, and there I am, in my bulky box. It was as if they were starring at me! Well, they were. The man in the Audi looked at me, and then my car, sort of froze for a minute, then looked back at me, and then focused on the traffic lights. The woman in the Mini just stared. And for that minute I thought, ooh, I'm different! It sent a chill up my spine, but it wasn't an excited feeling, it was a like a sudden realisation that crept up on me, knocking me off my feet.
This got me thinking because on that dual carriageway, I have seen a lot of nice cars, Porsche, Range Rovers, BMWs (I will have one of these at some point in my life I hope), and I drive beside them, often overtake them! It's a really satisfying feeling, overtaking a car that is miles better than the one you drive, it gives you a sense of glee, until they then overtake you.
But back to the point, it's like cars can be compared to the people in life. Everyone is different, and has their qualities. Obviously you can't stick people on AutoTrader and sell them to buy another one, but we are constantly learning, developing ourselves, and becoming, better - or in rare cases, worse. Just because you look good, or have a label on you, doesn't mean that you are better than any other person. It might mean you try harder to impress because it means more to you, but its your smile and whats inside is that matters, because horrible people, and I think we all come across horrible people at some point in our lives, don't always look horrible. Only after they talk and you get to know them, do you realise their true qualities. But remember, the only person you can really trust is yourself. Only you have have ultimate control of yourself, your actions and words.
So people, the moral of my long winded and confusing story: be happy with who you are! :)
Keep reading, F x
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