
By Fatima K - June 24, 2015

Ok, so I have a confession to make...I've been avoiding blogging for a while. Well, for about two weeks. See, the thing is, I thought that now my Inspired By Random series is over, what should I do? It was as if I needed more inspiration and whatever I came up with just wasn't good enough. And then I thought I could write something about Ramadan because its currently Ramadan but still, total mind blank. I just kept hitting a brick wall and it was so ANNOYING!!

I still haven't really got an idea I'm happy with, but I do have one for todays post.

Yesterday, I went to a talk and it was somewhat along the lines of intentions. This reminded me of the first and last assembly that was given to us every year during secondary school. Yep, you read right, each school year at the beginning and at the end, the head would have an assembly on the importance of intentions (it worked obviously).

Our head stressed that every time we go into something, whether it be education, making choices, even when doing things for people, we should look at what our intentions are. Why are we doing this? I've found that this does help. I think it's really really important, from both a religious and a non-religious perspective, that we go into things knowing our intentions. Intentions do make a difference.

See, if we know our intention from the beginning, it's as if we know what foot to start with, we aren't hesitating and wavering, we know what it means to us. It definitely helps to find out what is important to us and what isn't. An example - a very simple example - is clothes. Are you deicing to wear that for yourself or is it for another reason? Then, are you comfortable with your answer? Knowing this from the beginning adds meaning to our actions and it means we can say "screw this" or "no way, this matters to me" because we know, personally what our intentions were before we started. It matters.

So, have you taken a look at your intentions recently?

P.S. you can still add your link to the Inspired By Random: Book Titles series!!

Keep reading, F x
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